After 24 kms driving through country largely covered by pine forest turn left just after the 50,5 km peg on the Scenic road (but STAY ON THE TAR) towards Honde Valley, Tea Estates, etc. (This is where you will join these instructions if you are coming from Mutare).
Stay on the tar and continue downhill through the Wattle Company's wattle plantations into the Honde Valley. The road here goes down the Manga cutting, and you drop about 1 000 metres in 30 minutes. As you go lower you can see the Mtarazi Falls, the highest falls in the country, as they drop over the escarpment in the distance on your left. Beautiful views. Except for the driver.
32.4 kilometres from where you turn off the Mutare/Juliasdale road you pass through Hauna growth point. The "Needles", or in chiManica "Mawe Masimike", an unusual formation of rock pinacles, which can be seen from a great distance, overlook Hauna. Ruda Airstrip on your right hand side, followed by police station, roads department, etc. Hauna township is on the left.
There are a number of turns off the road which look "main", but only one of them is tarred, and that is the turn to Katiyo just before you reach the Pungwe Bridge. Don't go to Katiyo, keep left. Otherwise so long as you STAY ON THE TAR until you reach the Honde Valley Plantations (whose gate is 100 metres after the end of the tar), you can't go wrong. On the way you pass through the northern Honde communal lands, over the Pungwe bridge, through the ARDA Rumbizi tea scheme and Eastern Highlands tea estate. The towering east face of Mount Inyangani is in view most of the time. Only 35 years ago most of that part of the Honde Valley through which you are driving was heavily wooded.
30.8 kms from Hauna/Ruda you reach Honde Valley Tea Estate's boundary where the tar ends, and fifty metres or so later a gate where you will be asked to sign a book. After the boundary gate a short (7 kilometre) drive brings you to the Club. Dirt road, "Club" signed all the way.