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Honde Valley, ZIMBABWE. Box CY64 Causeway, Harare.
 Fax (2634) 883730   e-mail:
This list shows only the English or Common names for our birds,
and the bird number. We can e-mail you a full list in Excel or WORD,
including the Latin  names, and the local Manica names
where these are known.
Apalis Barthroated 645
Apalis Chirinda 646
Apalis Yellowbreasted 648
Babbler Arrowmarked 560
Barbet Blackcollared 464
Barbet [Tinkerbird] [Yellow-] Golden-rumped 471
Barbet White-eared 466
Batis Cape 700
Batis Chinspot 701
Batis Mozambique 702
Bee-eater Carmine  * vag 441
Bee-eater European 438
Bee-eater Little 444
Bee-eater Swallowtailed 445
Bishop Firecrowned [Black-winged] 825
Bishop Red 824
Bittern Dwarf 79
Bittern Little 78
Blackcap European  # 911
Bokmakierie Bokmakierie 746
Boubou Tropical 737
Broadbill African 490
Brubru Brubru or telephone bird 741
Bulbul Blackeyed 568
Bulbul Slender [Tiny Greenbul] 571
Bulbul Sombre 572
Bulbul Stripecheeked 573
Bulbul Terrestrial 569
Bulbul Yellowbellied 574
Bulbul Yellowstreaked 570
Bunting Cabanis' 883
Bunting Cape 885
Bunting Goldenbreasted 884
Bunting Rock 886
Buttonquail Kurrichane [Common] 205
Buzzard Augur 153
Buzzard Honey 583
Buzzard Lizard 154
Buzzard Steppe [Common] 149
Canary Blackeared 882
Canary Cape 872
Canary Streakyheaded 881
Canary Yelloweyed [Yellow-fronted] 869
Chat Arnot's 594
Cisticola Croaking 678
Cisticola Redfaced 674
Cisticola Shortwinged 680
Cisticola Singing 673
Cisticola Wailing 670
Coot  v Redknobbed 228
Cormorant  v Reed 58
Cormorant  v Whitebreasted 55
Coucal Burchell's 391
Coucal Senegal 390
Courser Bronzewinged 303
Courser Temminck's 300
Crake Black 213
Crake Corncrake 211
Crimsonwing Redfaced 836
Crombec Redfaced 650
Crow Pied 548
Cuckoo African 375
Cuckoo Barred  # [B.Long-tailed] 379
Cuckoo Black 378
Cuckoo Diederik 386
Cuckoo Emerald 384
Cuckoo European [Common] 374
Cuckoo Great spotted 380
Cuckoo Jacobin 382
Cuckoo Klaas's 385
Cuckoo Lesser  # 376
Cuckoo Redchested 377
Cuckoo Striped 381
Cuckooshrike Black 538
Cuckooshrike Grey 540
Dabchick [Little grebe] 8
Darter  v Darter 60
Dove Bluespotted 357
Dove Cinnamon [Lemon] 360
Dove Emerald-spotted 358
Dove Namaqua 356
Dove Tambourine 359
Dove Laughing 355
Drongo Forktailed 541
Drongo Squaretailed 542
Duck African Black 105
Duck Knobbilled 115
Duck Fulvous 100
Eagle African fish 148
Eagle Ayres' 138
Eagle Black  * 131
Eagle Blackbreasted Snake 143
Eagle Brown Snake 142
Eagle Crowned  * 141
Eagle Lesser spotted 134
Eagle Longcrested 139
Eagle Martial  * 140
Eagle Steppe 133
Eagle Wahlberg's 135
Eagle Westernbanded 145
Eagle African hawk 137
Egret Cattle 71
Egret Great white 66
Egret Yellowbilled [intermediate] 68
Eremomela Greencapped 655
Falcon African Hobby  # 174
Falcon Eleanora's 177
Falcon European Hobby 173
Falcon Lanner 172
Finch Melba 834
Finchlark Chestnut-backed 515
Firefinch Bluebilled 840
Firefinch Redbilled 842
Flufftail Buffspotted 218
Flufftail Redchested 217
Flycatcher Black 694
Flycatcher Bluegrey [Ashy] 691
Flycatcher Bluemantled [+Crested] 708
Flycatcher Dusky 690
Flycatcher Fairy?  # 706
Flycatcher Fantailed [Grey Tit] 693
Flycatcher Mousecoloured [Pale] 696
Flycatcher Paradise 710
Flycatcher Spotted 689
Flycatcher Vanga 699
Flycatcher [ Black-throated Wattle-eye.] 705
Flycatcher Whitetailed 709
Francolin Rednecked 198
Francolin Shelley's 191
Francolin Swainson's ? 199
Goshawk African 160
Goshawk Gabar 161
Goshawk Little Banded [Shikra] 159
Grassbird Grassbird 661
Guineafowl Helmeted 203
Gymnogene Gymnogene 169
Hamerkop Hammerkop 81
Hawk Bat 129
Hawk Cuckoo [African Baza] 128
Helmetshrike Chestnutfronted 755
Helmetshrike Redbilled 754
Helmetshrike White 753
Heron Greenbacked 74
Heron Grey 62
Heron Purple 65
Honeyguide Eastern  # [Pallid] 477
Honeyguide Greater 474
Honeyguide Lesser 476
Honeyguide Scalythroated 475
Honeyguide[Hbird] Sharpbilled [Brown-backed] 478
Honeyguide[Hbird] Slenderbilled [Green-backed] 479
Hoopoe African 451
Hornbill Crowned 460
Hornbill Silverycheeked 456
Hornbill Trumpeter 455
Jacana African 240
Kestrel Lesser 183
Kestrel Rock 181
Kingfisher Brownhooded 435
Kingfisher Giant 429
Kingfisher Greyhooded [Grey-headed] 436
Kingfisher Halfcollared 430
Kingfisher Malachite 431
Kingfisher Pied 428
Kingfisher Pygmy 432
Kingfisher Striped ? 437
Kingfisher Woodland ? 433
Kite Blackshouldered 127
Kite Yellowbilled  * 126
Longclaw Orangethroated 727
Longclaw Yellowthroated 728
Lourie [Turaco] Livingstone's 370
Lourie [Turaco] Purplecrested ? 371
Mannikin Bronze 857
Mannikin Pied 859
Mannikin Redbacked 858
Martin House 530
Martin Rock 529
Mousebird Speckled 424
Neddicky Neddicky 681
Nicator Yellowspotted 575
Nightjar European 404
Nightjar Fierynecked 405
Nightjar Mozambique [Square-tailed] 409
Nightjar Pennantwinged 410
Nightjar Rufouscheeked 406
Oriole African Golden 444
Oriole Black-headed 445
Oriole European Golden 443
Owl Grass 393
Owl Spotted Eagle 401
Owl Wood 394
Pigeon# Delagorgue's[E Bronze-naped]   # 351
Pigeon Feral 348
Pigeon Green 361
Pigeon Rameron [African Olive-] 350
Pipit Grassveld [African] 716
Pipit Striped 720
Pipit Tree 722
Pitta Angola [African] 491
Plover Wattled 260
Prinia Tawnyflanked 683
Puffback Puffback 740
Pytilia Goldenbacked[Orange-winged] 833
Quail Common 200
Quail Harlequin 201
Quelea Redbilled  * 821
Raven Whitenecked 550
Robin [Robinchat] Cape 601
Robin [Scrubrobin] Eastern Bearded 617
Robin [Robinchat] Heuglin's [White-browed] 599
Robin [Robinchat] Natal [Red-capped ] 600
Robin Starred [White-starred] 606
Robin Swynerton's 607
Roller Broadbilled 450
Roller Rackettailed 448
Secretary Bird Secretary Bird * 118
Seedcracker Nyasa [Lesser] 837
Shrike Blackfronted Bush 749
Shrike Fiscal [Common Fiscal.] 732
Shrike Gorgeous Bush 747
Shrike Lesser Grey 741
Shrike Olive Bush 750
Shrike Orangebreasted Bush 748
Shrike Redbacked 733
Snipe Great  # 285
Sparrow House 801
Sparrowhawk Black [Black Goshawk] 158
Sparrowhawk Little 157
Starling Greater blue-eared 765
Starling Wattled 760
Starling Plumcoloured [Violet-backed] 761
Starling Redwinged 769
Stonechat Stonechat 596
Sugarbird Gurney's 774
Sunbird Black [Amythist] 792
Sunbird Bluethroated  # 794
Sunbird Bronze 776
Sunbird Collared 793
Sunbird Coppery [Copper] 778
Sunbird Malachite 775
Sunbird Miombo doublecollared 784
Sunbird Olive 790
Sunbird Purplebanded 780
Sunbird Scarletchested 791
Sunbird Yellowbellied [Variable] 786
Swallow [Black Saw-wing.] 536
Swallow Blue  * 521
Swallow [Eastern Saw-wing.] 537
Swallow European [Barn] 518
Swallow Greyrumped 531
Swallow Lesser Striped 527
Swallow Whitethroated 520
Swallow Wiretailed 522
Swee East African 851
Swift Black 412
Swift European [Eurasian] 411
Swift Horus 416
Swift Little 417
Swift Mottled 419
Swift Palm 421
Swift Scarce 420
Swift Whiterumped 415
Tchagra Blackcrowned 744
Tchagra Marsh 745
Tchagra Threestreaked 743
Tern Sooty  # vag. 332
Tern Whiskered 338
Thrush Kurrichane 576
Thrush Miombo Rock 584
Thrush Orange Ground 579
Thrush Southern Olive 577
Tit Northern grey [Miombo] 553
Tit Rufousbellied 556
Trogan Narina 427
Twinspot Green 835
Twinspot Redthroated 839
Vulture Palmnut  # 147
Vulture Whitebacked 123
Wagtail African Pied 711
Wagtail Grey  # 715
Wagtail Longtailed [Mountain] 712
Wagtail Yellow 714
Warbler African sedge [Little Rush] 638
Warbler Barratt's 639
Warbler Briar [Roberts'] 684
Warbler Broadtailed 642
Warbler Cape reed [Lesser-swamp] 635
Warbler Garden 619
Warbler Greybacked Bleating 657
Warbler Moustached 663
Warbler Redwinged 682
Warbler Willow 643
Warbler Yellow 637
Warbler [Yellow-throated Woodland] 644
Waxbill Blue 844
Waxbill Common 846
Waxbill Grey [Black-tailed] 848
Waxbill Orangebreasted  [Zebra] 854
Weaver Forest 808
Weaver Golden [Large Golden] 816
Weaver Spectacled 810
Weaver Thickbilled 807
Wheatear Capped 587
White-eye Yellow 797
Whydah Pintailed 860
Widow Redcollared 831
Widow Yellowrumped [Yellow Bishop.] 827
Widowfinch Black [Varible Indigobird.] 864
Woodhoopoe Scimitarbilled [Common] 454
Woodpecker Cardinal  # 486
Woodpecker Goldentailed 483
Woodpecker Little Spotted [Green-backed] 485
This list of birds found in Gleneagles Mountain Reserve [including some vagrants] has been collected by
Abasi Jana . [Updated Nov 1999.]Many of these birds are to be found in the other parts of the Honde valley .
This table has been compiled by Kevin and Jo Igoe giving both the Latin and Manica names.We hope to collect all the
local names for birds found in the Honde Valley.The new common names have  been entered in brackets.
Key to symbols * = Special      # = Rare  [Needs to be updated]
DOMWE includes special medium altitude rainforest, regenerating rainforest, moist miombo woodland with brachystegia in 
in patches, and afromontane grassland on the sumit. There are also patches of riverine Treefern forest at medium altitudes.
 KWATOMBO is a sparsely populated area in the north of the property. It includes pastures at 1,600 m , high altitude
moist montane forest patches, montane grassland with proteas, Syzygium grassland in the wetter areas, and riverine
rain forest on and along the Nyamkombe river. There are some protected forrested cliffs which haven't been scientifically
approached yet. On the far eastern boundary there is Gwindingwi, with it's granite cliffs dropping down into
 the communal lands.
NYANJENI includes low to medium altitude riverine rain forest, including an area of large Newtonias near the 
organic cultivated spice garden. There is some moist montane evergreen syzygium forest extending down to a lower altitude
than normal at this latitude. There is also a section of moist miombo woodland with small areas of brachystegia, and a large
regenerating medium altitude rain forest. There is  some afromontane grassland higher up on the boundary with National
DZUNZWA, the mountain 1,460 m. is montane grassland with proteas, syzygiums, moist miombo woodland and
some rocky cliffs. There is a protected area of medium and low altitude rain forest in the Nyawamba valley. The
upper grasslands are occasionally grazed and burned, and there you will find moist evergreen forest along the streams.
This area has not yet been sufficiently monitored for it's bird life. In spring the small pockets of Brachystegia can
clearly be seen on the hillsides.There is a large area to the south of the Nyawamba river, reaching up to Benson's hill
in National park that hasn't really been covered for either tree or bird life. This is largely due to the difficult terrain,
 no paths, buffalo beans, and the distance from the rangers homes.
GLENEAGLES MOUNTAIN RESERVE is a very beautiful rainforest and mountainous region on the east of the Nyangani   
range in ZIMBABWE.The Park has two main rivers with many smaller ones flowing into them all the year round.The northern
 end of the Park is the watershed between the rivers flowing north into the Zambesi, and the rivers flowing to the southeast
into the Pungwe which reaches the sea at Beira.There are grasslands and pastures,  and several different types of forest
and scrub, all of which provide either special breeding environments or foods. Gleneagles is an ideal birding destination.